long way round

Archive for October 2011

Innovate or Die

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I've been using Posterous ever since its inception. I've always liked it over other publishing sites like WordPress or Tumblr, because of its ease of use. You email it to post@posterous.com, along with any links, and it does everything else for you, including embedding videos and photos. No need to mess with HTML tags or CSS. "It just works."

I was content with it for the longest time because it was so easy to use. But recently, I've been using Tumblr for a new blog I started, "Korean Footballers in Europe". And I've been enjoying it much more. 

In Tumblr, it's much easier to discover other people's tumblog, via the "explore tags" feature, and as a result I've been introduced to a whole slew of people who have very interesting tumblogs (here and here as an example). there is a real sense of community in Tumblr, where part of the fun is not just posting on your own blog, but also discovering others' work and sharing it. I'll admit, my blog is still somewhat of the old school variety where a good majority of my posts are long form, but some of my priorities in a blog tool are ease of use with minimal intervention (hence, I will not be returning to WordPress), and the ability to post via mobile. 

So, I may be moving my domain to Tumblr. Stay tuned.

Written by shindz

October 9, 2011 at 6:37 pm

Posted in Uncategorized